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From: Martin Kift <>
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 1994 11:29:19 GMT0BST
Subject: bum7 probs
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Hi all,
Has anybody got the bum7 DecodePalette command to work? I tried it
yesterday and got a major crash, and had to go back to the RI command
ILBMPalette (or something like that). The other Decode functions work
fine tho...
Also, has anyone noticed that memory isn't being freed properly?
Although the new displaylibs seem hugely more stable, I'm now in a
sitation that when my game exits (which is does cleanly) back to WB,
I notice my memory is greatly reduced. This seems to mainly affect
chipmem. Also, if I jump back to the editor, I notice that the little
message box with the Panic button is still showing.
I'm pretty sure my game doesn't allocate any mem without freeing it
(and I use the new AllocMem instruction which is supposed to
automatically free the memory upon exit anyway, although I've tried
explictically freeing all mem chunks allocated, and I've tried to
allocmem_/freemem_ combo too). I didn't have this problem before